I love this execution. One of my favorite things is seeing novel ways to merge the physical and digital words and this one is elegant and simple--nice one!
I love this execution. One of my favorite things is seeing novel ways to merge the physical and digital words and this one is elegant and simple--nice one!
"I agree 1000% percent. How did they miss the ad model boat on such a great product?" -Erin Wilson
"the worst part is that the ads are usually 300% louder than the movies (especially if you are watching something that is old) and it's just not a great experience all in all. Luckily, my laptop comes with a remote so I just mute the stuff from the comfort of my bed, but still: annoying. I'd rather pay a little for the service than have those can say that I bought netflix to make it thru my knee surgery instead of using them too. Part of that is selection but part is the noise thing." -Kate Bessiere
More precise Quality Score calculation
Clickthrough rate (CTR) is the most significant component of Quality Score because it directly indicates which ads are most relevant to our searchers. As you probably have observed, ads in high positions typically earn better CTR than those in low positions, because ads in high positions are more visible to searchers. To calculate the most accurate Quality Scores, it's important that the influence of ad position on CTR be taken into account and removed from the Quality Score.
In the coming days, we'll update the portion of the Quality Score algorithm that accounts for ad position. This will result in more accurate Quality Scores, ensure that ads compete fairly for position based on their quality and bid, and enable Google to show the most relevant ads to searchers by rewarding high-quality advertisers with better ad positions.
Higher quality ads above the search results
We're also improving the way we determine which ads show in the yellow region above the search results. These positions are particularly valuable to advertisers because they are prominently positioned on the page. Given their prominence, it's especially important that these ads be high quality; we therefore place extra emphasis on quality when determining which ads to show in this location.
To appear above the search results, ads must meet a certain quality threshold. In the past, if the ad with the highest Ad Rank did not meet the quality threshold, we may not have shown any ads above the search results. With this update, we'll allow an ad that meets the quality threshold to appear above the search results even if it has to jump over other ads to do so. For instance, suppose the ad in position 1 on the right side of the page doesn't have a high enough Quality Score to appear above the search results, but the ad in position 2 does. It's now possible for the number 2 ad to jump over the number 1 ad and appear above the search results. This change ensures that quality plays an even more important role in determining the ads that show in those prominent positions.
Keep in mind that these enhancements may cause changes to your ad position, spend, and performance. We're launching these updates soon so that you'll have enough time to review your accounts and prepare for your holiday season advertising. While we don't believe that any immediate changes are needed on your part, we encourage you, as always, to watch your key metrics and to make adjustments as appropriate.
The strategy behind this one is a bit more confusing. It is obvious that Google wants someone in the top spot at all times because, that is the most coveted piece of real estate on the page. This post talks about the need to meet a certain "quality threshold" (odd that they are using language other than "quality score"). The post goes on to say:
if the ad with the highest Ad Rank did not meet the quality threshold, we may not have shown any ads above the search results. With this update, we'll allow an ad that meets the quality threshold to appear above the search results
For those of you that do not know it, here is the formula for Ad Rank:
Ad Rank = CPC bid × Quality Score
The language above can be interpreted as follows:
If you are bidding more, thus fulfilling one variable of the Ad Rank score, and are receiving a higher Ad Rank, you can potentially meet the quality threshold (not quality score) and get bumped to the top over another advertiser who is bidding less. Granted, your quality score has to be good, but it seems they are saying that, in the past, good was not good enough; and now it is.This is a tough one. On the surface level it is presented as being all about quality, but I am not so sure about that.
I realize that their is some ambiguity here, but I feel my interpretation of this language is fair--as the Google post is very vague in my opinion. I am thinking long and hard about what this means (I am even thinking, I am over thinking this) but I do believe Google has a board to answer to, and they are in no position to improve quality at the expense of their bottom line.
I am awaiting, and welcome people to come and tell me I am wrong. Do me a favor though, if you are going to do so, please be as descriptive as possible--thanks!
How many of my fellow marketers out there were asked to create “the big idea” this year?
After getting this request, how many of you came up with strategies that employed various social channels, content syndication strategies and search strategies only to hear;
“I love it, but where is the big idea?”
Perhaps some of you replied with;
Perhaps the “big idea” does not mean what it used to mean?
One of the big problems of the year is that many marketers have still not learned of accepted some of the following principles:
Welcome to the Digital Home of Adam Broitman, Thinker, Marketer, Rhino, Artist, Musician, Man.