You need to learn how to use Twitter because all of the young people are using it, right? Um, no way!
I don't have the usage stats (kudos to anyone who can get them for me) but I don't know anyone under twenty who uses Twitter (and yes, I do know people under twenty). In fact, most people I know who use Twitter are older than twenty-five. Still, if you are a marketer learning to use Twitter in order to learn how the next generation will communicate, you are doing the right thing.
When I opened up Twittelator today, I noticed that there was a new menu item; movies. I clicked on it, and had one of those, "ah ha" moments. The underlying value of this function was not the technology (Twitter), it was how the technology was being used to parse information, and get it to me in a more relevant manner. This is, in my opinion where this space is moving. It is not about mass/micro chatter. It is about finding relevant communities of micro chatter that can give you the info you want/need--when and where you want it.
Every once in a while I have a moment of zen, where a technology reveals an underlying something that is a signifier of fundamental, sociological changes.These moments of zen only come when I let my mind wander--you don't always have to focus very hard to get your mind to interesting places.
Language is technology, and how we use language and information accelerates our culture.
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