7 Ways to Get Me to NOT Join Your Social Network

There are a lot of social networks out there--we all know this. As someone in the industry, I do my best to join as many social nets as possible. I even join the branded social networks, as I am working with clients on a number of initiatives and I am always looking for best pratices and new ideas.

Recently, Mercedes launched their own social network; Generation Benz. The premise behind it is great--they really hit on all the right points:

  • collaboration

  • co-creation

  • user focused R&D

  • consumers insights

  • etc.

When I went actually join the network I had one of those, what the f*ck moments!

In order to join the network, which presumably is, in part, beneficial to Mercedes, I had to go through a seven step process. I realize that this is an aspirational brand, but don't make me work to be marketed to--jeez!

I had to capture this process and share with all of you (I recommend viewing this in full screen so you can read the text).

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