The above is the title I would have given my latest article over at iMedia--alas, they know best what brings in the traffic, and I love them for it :)
I bring up a number of topics that I plan on expanding upon on this blog. All of the marketing mistakes that I spell out are part of larger issues that I think about on an ongoing basis. I would love to hear which topics are most pressing for readers of this blog. I would be happy to do a deeper dive into any of these topics:
- Twitter is not a one-way megaphone, so don't treat it like one
- Create buzz, but don't let the bee get away
- Existing sites cannot be "SEOed." Stop trying
- Feel free to stay at home in your walled garden -- just don't be surprised when no one shows up for the tea party
- Social media is a commitment, not a campaign
- When did things referred to as "viral" become a good thing?
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