Dear Hulu,
Our love affair started shortly after you launched into this world. You were everything I ever wanted in streaming video, and more;
- An angelic player that caressed me as I leaned back to watch online video
- All the others are so brash--making me lean forward all the time
- Also, you knew exactly when to turn the lights low
- Ample programming
- Sexy and sleek interface
- Reasonable commercial slots, that clearly stated how long they were to run for
- generally under 15 seconds if I remember correctly
It seemed that you really understood the my nature, and the nature of online video. You seemed to know exactly where we were headed. You catered to the wants and needs of an online man; and baby, I was your online man (and one who was in the ever-so-lucrative, hard to reach demographic- 25-34 male)!
I hooked up my mac to my plasma for you. I even canceled my dates with premium cable services, as I knew you were the only one for me.
But, oh Hulu; times have changed!
Maybe it is your parents (NBC) that are trying to rip us apart by placing the same, gut wrenchingly annoying ads three times in 20 minutes (have you seen the one for Edge Gel--"Lube Moistricants"!!! I may kill myself if I ever see that thing again; and you can bet I will never buy that product). If only your parents knew that I am happy to trade my time for our love; but a man can only stand so much!
..and another thing Hulu; where is your sense of adventure. You and your friends (the advertisers) could learn to try news things. I have thought of a few:
- Sequenced messaging
- I don't need you to yell the same things at me all the time. I heard you the first time. I feel like you don't listen; and the more you shout the same thing, the less I hear it.
- In ad experiences
- hey it is interactive, don't just show me that car, take me for a ride and drop me back in my show when we are done
- Choose your sponsor
- hey, it is working for Weatherbug
- Hulu currency
- skip ads if you take a quick survey--there are a lot of people out there looking for lead gen opportunities
- build up currency, trade with friends
- use currency to buy product
- Conversational ads
- show me a few elements of a product, and ask me what I want to know more about
- If all else fails, charge me! I may just be willing to pay money to skip the torture that ensues when you remind me of my 30 second spot childhood
I am not the only one who sees the rift in this relationship. I was talking with my girls about us, and they had this to say:
"I agree 1000% percent. How did they miss the ad model boat on such a great product?" -Erin Wilson
"the worst part is that the ads are usually 300% louder than the movies (especially if you are watching something that is old) and it's just not a great experience all in all. Luckily, my laptop comes with a remote so I just mute the stuff from the comfort of my bed, but still: annoying. I'd rather pay a little for the service than have those ads...you can say that I bought netflix to make it thru my knee surgery instead of using them too. Part of that is selection but part is the noise thing." -Kate Bessiere
Well Hulu, I cannot deny the fact that I still love you and I know it is wrong to ask a partner to change; but if anything I have said here makes sense to you, and you feel we are meant to be together--well, it would make me the happiest geek on the planet.
your lil' hunny bunny bear
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