Trends And Truisms Day One: The Big Idea Can Be The Sum of Small Ideas

How many of my fellow marketers out there were asked to create “the big idea” this year?

After getting this request, how many of you came up with strategies that employed various social channels, content syndication strategies and search strategies only to hear;

“I love it, but where is the big idea?”

Perhaps some of you replied with;

Perhaps the “big idea” does not mean what it used to mean?

One of the big problems of the year is that many marketers have still not learned of accepted some of the following principles:

  • The micro-site is essentially dead (it is not totally dead. It still has a role however this role is nowhere near as important as it once was)

    • These days your distributed web strategy is far more important than your mircosite strategy (potentially any other web strategy you can devise)

      • Be everywhere that a consumer may want to find you or risk obsolescence in the eyes of that consumer

  • Viral Does Not Mean Cheap

  • Viral Content=Good Content

  • Conversations are big ideas, but DON’T FORGET LISTENING IS PART OF CONVERSING!

  • People don’t like advertising but they do like value

    • I often hear people say, "if advertising is targeted enough, people will like". I don’t buy that! I do however feel that if the advertising is targeted enough people will accept it. These targeted ads can also potentially add value

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