The Fight For The Living Room

Who will power your living room with media?

As IP slowly moves from as lean forward to a lean back method of delivering content one must ask, "are we there yet?"

The simple answer is, for the masses, no we are not even close!

But what about those of us that like to be on the cutting edge? Some of us have picked up a Windows Media Center, others have new versions of TiVO with Wi-Fi and others have purchased an Apple TV.

Recently, Netflix and LG partnered up to be the latest entrant into this space. Netflix has been fighting to remain relevant for some time now, and this is certainly a move in the right direction. As movies via snail mail becoming increasingly irrelevant, and PC's in the living room have still not reached critical mass, Netflix has managed to find a partnership to help keep themselves in the game.

I am excited to see how this plays out in the long run!

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