In the heat of the conversation I did not realize that was I was actually doing was channeling one of my favorite figures in new media/marketing; Joseph Jaffe. While I stand by my commitment, I would like to publicly give credit to the man who coined the phrase, and acknowledge where the influence came from.
If you do a site search on Jaffe Juice for the word "commitment", Google returns 37 posts where Jaffe mentions the word "commitment". I imagine if Google were able to translate the Jaffe Juice podcast, the number of mentions would be a lot greater.
It is apparent that this is a notion that Jaffe is passionate about and his passion is infectious (but not Viral :) ...I don't want Verdino throwing up in his mouth)
Listening and reading Joe's work over the last few years has had a profound impact on my outlook. So much so that, in this instance I quoted him without even realizing it.
Joe, I hope you know I give props where they are due and would never try to steal your thunder. I will however pass the knowledge forward (and try to do it with attribution).
*Curious about Delta Skelter? Give it a click!