According to the New York Times, Family Guy creator Seth Macfarlane will be creating video shorts that will run along content on Web sites as part of the Google Ad Sense network. These shorts will not be ads; they will be original content or webisodes (there will of course be pre-rolls or banners overlays on the videos).
The part of the New York Times article that I find most interesting (as well as comical and somewhat scary due to the fact that part of me thinks it could be true) is a statement by Kim Malone Scott, director of sales and operations for AdSense. Scotts boldly says;
“We feel that we have recreated the mass media,”
My initial reaction to this statement was one of disdain for Google's arrogance but then I got to thinking-Google does have one of the largest digital distribution networks in the world, and while the distribution network has traditionally been for advertising, there is no reason that it cannot be just as effective for content.
Some key thoughts on this whole thing:
- Google will still not admit they are a media company (click this link to read more about Google's stance on this issue today)
- Eric Schmidt said in 2006
- "It’s better to think of Google as a technology company. Google is run by three computer scientists, and Google is an innovator in technology in our space. We’re in the advertising business – 99% of our revenue is advertising-related. But that doesn’t make us a media company. We don’t do our own content. We get you to someone else’s content faster."
- While Schmidt has technically not gone back on his word, there is no doubt- GOOGLE IS A MEDIA COMPANY
- "It’s better to think of Google as a technology company. Google is run by three computer scientists, and Google is an innovator in technology in our space. We’re in the advertising business – 99% of our revenue is advertising-related. But that doesn’t make us a media company. We don’t do our own content. We get you to someone else’s content faster."
- Eric Schmidt said in 2006
- Content is king, but distribution/syndication is the kingdom
- Google holds the keys to the kingdom these days
- Mass media is not dead
- Mass media is simply changed forever
- Massively niche is the new mass media
- Mass media is simply changed forever
- Google is making better marketers (and content creators) of us all
- If Seth McFarlane can do it, why can brands with million dollars production budgets create content that people actually want to see.
- Traditional syndication is taking it's last gasps of fresh air
Will this be a tipping point for original online content?
I doubt it but I would love to hear your thoughts!