Trends and Truisms Day Seven: Search Is An Emerging Technology

Search engines are the most important and unique thing to happen to media since the inception of the web, and the emergence search engine marketing is potentially the largest shift in marketing ever!

This is not news, far from it.

Still, many marketers will discredit the efficacy of search marketing in lieu of more in your face technologies such as video or mobile. Furthermore, search marketing is generally no longer bucketed with other technologies we refer to as emerging, hogwash!

We have only seen the tip of the tip of the iceberg when it comes to search engines. We are still in the stone ages of search as far as I am concerned. I am not saying that I am not satisfied with the current state of search engines, but in an exponentially growing world of content, there is only one thing that is certain; we will always need a way to find what we are looking for.

Online video and audio search engines are obviously what is top of mind for many technologists and media/marketing professionals, but what happens when the wealth of content available online becomes available on our set top box (and eventually everywhere where media can be consumed)? 

What happens when browsing the web via a mobile phone becomes as common as browsing from your PC? You may not care right now how well your WAP pages are optimized for search, but you will soon enough!

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