Trends and Truisms Day Six: Mobile Phones Are Merely Another Access Point and Widgets Are Nothing More Than Content Syndications Modules

Jeremy Beyda and Kirk Skodis are really heating things up over at post number five. While I am completely love their contributions, my questions is, where are all the other metaverse superstars? John Swords, Mark Wallace, Jerry Paffendorf, Tateru Nino, Nexeus Fatale, Rhiannon Chatnoir, Frans Charming...where are all you guys?

Now For Post #6

I am not going to spend a whole lot of time here, but there is something that I really need to get off my chest,

Marketers need to have a strategy before they have a mobile or widget strategy; we need to stop putting the technological cart before the horse!!!

I think people are spending too much time putting the technology before the marketing concept. Mobile phones and widgets provide new ways to access content. Sure, there are tons of cool things that can only be done with a mobile phone or a widget, but I guarantee failure for those that plan for a technology and not a marketing goal.

When it comes to thinking about each of these technologies, the questions should be centered around syndication and locations based delivery of content. Not every piece of content needs a widget, just as not ever piece of content belongs on a mobile phone (at least in it's broadcast format).

For those of you that know me, you know I am a big geek when it comes to these technologies, so you know I really mean it when I say all of this. Sometimes I have to stop myself from suggesting a widget for widgets sake, but to be a responsible marketer, I make sure to do so.

There are a number of people that I am awaiting response from on this post; Ben Pashman of Gigya, Chris Cunningham of FreeWebs and Chris Arens of Ad Infuse, I would love to hear from you guys. I was especially provocative for you on this one, but I know you will provide some great insight  :)

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