New internet content models are threatening to destroy the advertising business. Some of the internet's most popular destinations are hostile to advertisers or simply don't or can't accommodate them. Faced with spending more money on less effective media, advertisers are tuning out advertising and turning up good old-fashioned marketing, even taking a page from publishers' books and creating content of their own as a means of reaching and engaging customers. Do they continue to spend on advertising simply because their competitors are? With pressure mounting on advertising's ROI, will advertisers find there are ways to slash media budgets and preserve market share? Is New Media not 'Media' at all, but really an altered reality with new marketing laws still to be discovered?
Stephanie Bittner, Director of Brand Advertising and Communications, Starbucks
Rex Briggs, Founder and CEO, Marketing Evolution
Tim Kopp, Vice President of Worldwide Interactive Marketing, Coca-Cola
Babs Rangaiah, Senior Lead, Media and Entertainment, Unilever HPC
James Mahoney, Director of Media and Brand Advertising, Capital One
Moderator: Lydia Loizides, Vice President, Director, Media and Technology Experience Analytics for The Consumer Experience Practice, Interpublic Media
- Has the Internet damaged advertising?
Companies get scared when they realize that they have to take action post ad efforts
- Grabbing data and making it work for
- It used to be you could know who would win market share based on how much they advertised
- Today, it is not how much, it is how well
- Commitment to Innovation (agreed)
- More than metrics, how people are talking about us, how can we influence the conversation?
- Taking a larger view over ROI and CPA
- Cross Marketing Shared Learning
- Relationships with Brand change, technology has played a factor in this
- One of the questions was the role of IPTV
Tags: Stephanie Bittner, Starbucks, Babs Rangaiah, James Mahoney, Unilever, Capital One, Interpublic Media, Lydia Loizides, OMMA, New Media, Marketing, ROI
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