AM Keynote:
Can the Marriage of Advertising and Marketing be Saved?
How Marketers Can Go Around the Intermediaries to Claim and Hold Their Own Customers
Rex Briggs
Founder and CEO, Marketing Evolution
Tim Kopp
Vice President of Worldwide Interactive Marketing, Coca-Cola
It is funny how the AM keynotes are always significantly less crowded than the PM keynotes :) Well, perhaps it is not that funny.
Geoff Ramsey
Geoff Ramsey Recap- Beth Comstock- It's all about storytelling
- If you are not failing you are not doing your job
- Most of us are either asleep of ahead of the curve
- Who's in control
- It is about listening to the consumer more than ever, not about marketers losing control
Blogging and Trust
- between 3 and 12% trust blogs (shoddy and vague research as far as I am concerned)
- Note from the author- Geoff, we heard this at eTail!
- Trust, Social Networks, lonelygirl etc.
- Social Networks as places to learn about the demographic
Tim Kopp and Rex Briggs
- Rex Briggs "What Sticks" (Halley Hopkins recommended this book, I am pretty sure I already ordered it)
- Marketers dialogue with consumers
- Ability for dialogue has increased- More one to one with more media choices
- The old way was to look at consumers undifferentiated- that will not work now
ROMO- return on marketing objectives
- Measurement of User Created content
- Inclusion of COP Communication Optimization process
- Collaboration
Integrated Marketing
- Monologue to Dialogue (isn't there anything new to talk about, weren't we talking about this last year?)
- Consumers choosing to interact how, when and where they want
- How do we become part of the dialogue
Tim Kopp on the thiry second spot. "I don't think it is dead, I just think it is times"
- He then goes on to show the 30 second spot "Happiness Factor"
Ok, I don't get it. This is a truly typical 30 second spot. Does nothing for me, sells nothing. Why is this good marketing? The Production value is great. IS THIS SELLING ANYTHING????? It sure does not add value to the product experience.
- Direct Engagement- Connecting People (this I like)
- Measurement is the key- online and offline ROMO
Keyword: Collaborate
- How do media/advertising/marketing work together
- Marketing as a supply chain
The Power of Media Partners
- Scale
- Environment
- Aggregation of interests for the consumers
- Independent credibility
- Access to consumer data
Honest Discussion for continuous improvement - Did this really work?
- Perhaps there were not good metrics for success to begin with
What is the process to guarantee success
You need a COP
- Define Success
- Scenario Plan
- Take Action
- Should the marriage between advertising and marketing be saved?
Tags: Coca Cola, Rex Briggs, OMMA, Tim Kopp
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