Search and BT: The Coming Storm (incomplete due to battery death, I hate Dell)

 Monday 9/25
12:15pm - 1:00pm
Media Track: Alvin/Edison Room
Session Description:
With its demonstrable ROI and relative ease of execution, search marketing has long been the darling of online advertisers. Behavioral Targeting has started to demonstrate its vast potential, yet can be difficult to implement, and continues to hindered by issues of privacy and scale. Now that the search engines are firmly inserting themselves into the behavioral landscape, will the two go together like peanut butter and jelly, or taste more like peanut butter and tuna fish?
Omar Tawakol, Chief Marketing Officer, Revenue Science
Matt Spiegel, Managing Director, Resolution Media
John Mracek, Vice President, Product Marketing, Yahoo!
Anna Papadopolus, Interactive Media Director, Euro RSCG
Fran Maier, Executive Director, TRUSTe
Moderator: Alan Chapell, President, Chapell Associates

I am probably going to run out of batteries before this session starts :( but, I will cover it as long as I can.

Is BT providing the elusive one to one marketing promise of the web
Search behavior leveraged to add to behavioral profiles and intent
BT Search for Branding and DR Purposes "triggers of intent" Omar Tawakol revenue science
Added complexity of BT to search- Tagging etc (this should really not be an issue but, i know it well)
Creative Cycling- Do you retarget if someone does a broad search "travel" and if so what is the message

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