RESOLVED: Only Content that Stands Out Online Can be Monetized; But Publishers Aren't Producing the Online Content that Most Excites.
Given the challenged advertising models in all media, content owners are already grappling with new ways to monetize their assets online. Read: Paid Content. But a new dilemma has surfaced: the very content which publishers seek to monetize is now rivaled by advertisers entering the content game directly and consumers trumping everyone with their own amusements. How can publishers create online content that stands out when everyone is creating content online? Are we facing a new arms race, where companies compete on sheer tonnage of articles, videos, podcasts and games under their corporate umbrellas? Or will quality prevail over quantity, restoring content owners to their traditional place at the center of the media hierarchy?
Beth Comstock, President, Digital Media and Market Development, NBC Universal
Jim Bankoff, EVP, Product and Programming, AOL
Patrick Keane, Head of Sales Strategy, Google
Larry Kramer, President, CBS Digital Media
Jeff Karish, Head of Strategy, Yahoo! Media Group
Moderator: Michael Wolff, Columnist, Vanity Fair
- Online CPM's 1/10 to 1/15 they are in print
- Is quality the issue, is the issue what can we do on the cheap?
Larry Kramer- Business Models are still not full mature
- Consumers are taking more catch of how and when they get content
- People want news and they are going to pay for it
Beth Comstock
- We need to become more efficient with our news gathering
- 6% of domestic ad spend going into interactive
- The content that we have to make for this new medium is fundamentally different than in traditional media (AMEN)
two Content Paradigms
- Repurposing of Content
- Growth of Something Unique- Social Media
- Traditional forms of having trouble fitting into new formats
- Who should be creating content for this new medium
- Production solely for the web
- AOL/Time Warner - Are we at the point when something like this makes sense?
- Blogs, Music Videos
- Why would you want a major media company which much larger cost structures engaging in things such as blogs when their are already people who know how to do it and are doing it well?
- Kramer- The long tail continues to grow longer- Major media can help navigate
- Video is becoming as prevalent as text
Tags: Beth Comstock, Yahoo, Google, Larry Kramer, Vanity Fair, Michael Wolf, Jeff Karish, Patrick Keane, Jim Bankoff, AOL Time warner
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