Monday 9/25
11:15am - 12:00pm
Online Content Track: Duffy Room
Session Description:
RSS has already changed the way the world consumes media, moving the web toward a subscription model, where users decide what content to receive and when. And in turn, RSS is changing the world in which advertisers can spread their message. Publishers can now accurately measure their audience for feeds and choose the best approach for inserting advertisements. Feeds offer not only a choice of audience but perhaps more importantly, an audience who has chosen to listen. This panel discussion will examine the benefits of the engaged RSS subscriber and how he or she can be measured. What does the future of advertising look like with RSS subscriber rates growing by the millions? How can reader data be harnessed to produce impactful creative? What’s the best way to monetize RSS readers—with CPC or CPM rates?
Jake Dobkin, Publisher and Founder, The Gothamist
Jeff Hinz, SVP, Director of Client Services, ID Media
Ed Manning, Vice President of Business Development, Private Label, NewsGator
Scott Cherkin, Director of Business Development, Travel Ad Network
Moderator: Dana VanDen Heuvel, Director of Business Development, Pheedo
Gothamist- RSS makes up of 15% of traffic
Travel 2.0- Travel blogging is a new buzz phrase
Pheedo calls themselves the Premier RSS Ad Network, that is not accurate!
- RSS users tend to be more engaged
- From Text ads to image ads
- Growing Community around RSS and search
On a side note from the other. I hate the be the cynical early adopter but, this is old data. Where has everyone been.
- Thankfully there was a feedburner mention
- Slow growth (quite obvious, just wait until vista comes out)
- Higher Conversion Rates within RSS Feeds
- Multi Platform helping volume
- Community around information
- "Chicklet" Ubiquity- Make those things easier to use for the common folk
- There is a user defined behavioral aspect to RSS reading (people getting classified feeds when they are in market for certain goods etc.)
- A large % of people using RSS do not know they are using RSS
- Finding new ways of presenting RSS is the key
It seems that all the people on this board are looking at different ways to monetize RSS. From private label readers to in- feed ads. I foresee the potential of an RSS SPAM PERIOD since the push is so hard and untargeted. I hope this does not transpire but, if the advertisers are not using the technology they are advertising in, it could mean trouble.
My recommendation is, move slow, move smart or we will wind up in the same place we are with email
Tags: RSS, Pheedo, Chicklet, Newsgator, The Gothamist, ID Media, Travel Ad Network, feedburner
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