The Next Big Idea Introduction/WI (no) FI

Today I will be covering VNU's The Next Big Idea. It promises to be a great event. Perhaps they will talk about blogging, I would love to learn what that is :)

If you have no interest in Marketing, Advertising, Media and Technology you should not be reading this blog today (you may consider never reading it as, that is the central focus).

.I will do my best to bring the event  to you live but, the WI-FI here is very slow and very expensive so, we will see what happens (it is not looking good). I do promise to post as often as possible!

As I am typing I am noticing that, even though I just paid $10.95 for an hour of WI-FI at the Millennium Hotel in NYC, I cannot get through to any web page!!!

Perhaps I will ask for my money back but, somehow I do not think I will get it without a fight. Long live public WI-FI

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