I know that there has been a lot of buzz around the concept of the Long Tail. The book just came out and suddenly this phrase is an essential part of every talk I head about life on the web. Being a search engine marketer, I have lived with the long tail for a while now but, with every passing day, the long tail enriches my life more and more.
Here are some folks I learned about along the long tail (each have had a major impact on my life and/or work:
In years past including someone's work in your own may be plagiarism. today, it strengthens the long tail. David Armano I salute thee!
I love this guy! Read his blog and you will get smarter!
Frank Gruber always has some great things to share, if you do not already read his blog, you should!
There are so many more along the tail and I must say, it is a fun journey down it!
Tags: long tail, frank gruber, somewhat frank, david armano, logic+emotion, chris anderson, blogging
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