Was is worth it? Why accurate measurement is the key to helping marketers move to mobile
Anil Malhotra, Senior Vice President Marketing & Alliances, Bango
George Ivie, Executive Director & CEO, Media Rating Council (MRC)
- What people are looking for in metrics these days?
- reliable data
- mobile marketing touches audience in a way other media cannot
- Media Rating Council not for profit association- Audience Measurement
- working to develop standards for mobile metrics
- Mobile Campaign KPI's
- We have gotten use to granular metrics on the PC. Mobile is a bit more difficult, but there is a lot of data we can garner
- Uniques, Visits, Repeat Visitors
- Referrals
- Location
- Carrier
- Handset type
- M commerce transactions
- revenue
- Traffic by carrier
- down to MVNO level
- Don't assume that PC analytics will work on mobile