Starbucks is not new to the social media space. They have done some very interesting, yet questionably successful being the most notable.
I got a message today that Starbucks was following me on Twitter. I had heard about their presence, but had not really taken a look into it. I felt that this would be as good a time as any to dig deeper.
On first glance it appears that Starbucks is doing everything by the book:
- Transparent
- Non-Corporate Voice (vernacular)
- @evanhecht Hey ... Sorry, I had a bunch of stuff to do today. I wish I could spend ALL my time here with you, that'd be way more fun
Attention all voters! Come in on Tuesday after you vote, get a Free cup of drip Coffee.
My finger hurts. 1200 new Followers in the past 3 days. I just got through following the new Twitter-ers. Welcome!
Overall I would say that Starbucks is doing a pretty good job. Starbucks also used Twitter as a way to communicate a promotion they were working on:

Some may have taken issue with a brand using Twitter as a promotional vehicle. I say, as long as they are upfront and are adding value, it is perfectly fine.
I would love to hear others stories about Starbucks on Twitter; as they have been around for a little while already.
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