"Blogging Is Dead"...

Illustration of a scribe writing Image via Wikipedia

...or so say those individuals who just don't get it!

Everyone once in a while I am reminded of the power of blogging--and why I began blogging in the first place. Those that know me, know that I have a big mouth and am not afraid to voice my opinion (this fact is sometimes good and sometimes not so good). I do my best to speak in my true voice on my blog. This way, when people engage me, they know what they are getting themselves into.

Fellow crayonista, Joe Jaffe, recently wrote an article for Adweek talking about the power of blogging. He mentioned Greg Verdino and me; two people that had landed jobs do to our blogs (for those of you that do not know, we both work for Joe at crayon).

I have always thought of my blog as my business card and my resume (a point Joe makes in his article). If you want to know my thoughts on a given subject related to marketing, chances are, I have written about it in the last three years.

I certainly don't think that the sheer act of writing a blog makes you recession proof, but there is no better way to get your voice heard at a time when companies need to choose who their best voices are.

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