Yesterday afternoon Yahoo announced it would be acquiring ad network Blue Lithium for 300MM in cash. What does this mean?
Yahoo needs to continue to bolstering the one asset that has little competition, their digital distribution network
As Yahoo stock declined, even I jumped in the game knowing that this asset is not something to treat lightly. I think I was right. Take a look at what people are saying about Yahoo stock
- I would say that this is a great move for Yahoo. If Jerry Yang cannot turn things around, it will be Yahoo's network that attracts all of the suitors.
And Now For Something Completely Different
Amidst a sea of naysayers, virtual world, Second Life has been achieving some pretty cool things. First, SL has reached peak concurrency of 50, 000 users (for all you fans of Second Life, you know this is a pretty big deal.
Second Life has created something call the Second Life Grid in order to separate the Virtual World of Second Life from other elements of the Second Life experience. I am a huge fan of this, as there are elements of Second Life that do not need to occur within the 3D environment.
Tags: second life, blue lithium, Yahoo, Jerry Yang, Second Life Grid, SL, Virtual Worlds