OMMA Day Two: Resolved: Mathematically-based tools and optimization tactics on the Web will make Old-School Creatives obsolete

Alan Schulman, SVP, Executive Creative Director, imc2
Steve Nesle, Executive Creative Director, Tribal/DDB
Peter Nicholson, Partner, Chief Creative Officer, Deutsch New York
Ty Montague, Executive Creative Director, JWT

Laurie Petersen, Executive Editor, MediaPost

Data is increasingly at the heart of marketing strategies and driving the success of creative executions. But as rich media and video proliferate on the Web, can an algorithm do the entire job? Hear some of the industry's most prominent creative directors talk about how they're addressing the tensions between optimization for clicks and creating truly compelling and enduring consumer experiences.

In optimizing for short-term sales, are we missing the big ideas that can build over time? Or, is it all direct response anyway, with limited opportunity for creative expression? Who's making tech meet touch? Can the creative process be optimized too?

  • Ty Montague- "Algorithms don't forward things to their friend. They don't tell stories"

  • Shave Everywhere a good example of how algorithms are not leading digital creative

    • "Most guys do not talk about shaving their nuts with their friends"

  • Is there some type of IP to sell and not "give"

  • Nesle, "There is not just a left and right, but a top and a bottom"

    • It is not just interactive and traditional, it is PR, Media etc.

    • The big idea can come from anywhere

  • Agency partnerships growing in importance

  • Montague "The ability to collaborate is the hallmark of the agency of the future"

  • Why are we still seeing 15 second pre rolls?

  • Cheaper and Faster a huge part of the future

  • The amount of content that can potentially be created is vast.

  • "We are about business solutions not advertising solution" Nicholson

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