Alan Schulman, SVP, Executive Creative Director, imc2
Online and offline creative teams are on a collision course as they strive to create transformational ideas for major brand advertisers. Traditional agencies are facing a digital advertising vortex swirling around their creative approaches and creative teams. The digital revolution is changing the flow of ideas and upending the power centers of brand stewardship. Will the creative axis tip? Will online creatives emerge as the transformational force for the client? Or, will the large scale of the traditional campaigns keep traditional creatives on top?
- Are we really colliding? / Is all hell breaking loose?
Why is this so difficult?
- online largely deals with advertising on the desktop and few other places (at least today)
- traditional side is accustomed to producing linear stories
- Lee Clow vs. Sergey Brin
- New definitions of what full service means to marketer
- Mutation of creative skill sets
- Mass reach versus Personal Relevance
- Going wide versus going long and deep
- Mindshare is focused on digital, money is still in traditional
- You have to tell stories in the digital world to retain control
- We are not leveraging the ability to create shorter form stories
- Which type of agency will mutate faster?
Mutation Models
- Traditional holding companies digital shops (iTraditional :) )
- Organic Growth
- Broadband video has nothing to do with a 30 second commercial
- Get our of the advertising trees and into the marketing forest
Tags: OMMA, Mediapost, OMMA 2007, OMMA EAST