The Trip Was A Success (so far)
For those of you that did not read the last post, please do so I don't have to recap everything :)
Anyhow, my trip to speak to the Little Rock chapter of the PRSA has been successful so far...why do I say "so far" you ask?
Well, the conversation has only just begun. I challenged the folks at the meeting to blog and to trackback to my original post. I also challenged those who were not members of Facebook to sign up and add me as a friend. Finally, I challenged them to join Second Life and meet me in one months time for a follow up on our meeting.
Here are the stats so far:
- 7 blog comments
- 1 email through my blog
- 2 Facebook friends
- 3 Linkbacks
I would like to thank the following people for joining the conversation:
- Becca Gardiner
- Drew Stephens (who I apparently shocked with my mention of The Cluetrain Manifesto. Drew, everyone loves that book, no? Well, for those who don't, lets get them reading. It is about time the entire PR world knew. Also, I know that you will see this, so let's take this conversation offline and see what we can do about starting a Podcamp in Little Rock. You seem like the perfect leader for it!)
- Lance Turner
- Bryan Jones (a Lebowski after my own heart :) )
- Dan McFadden
- Carol Cassil
- Mary Wagoner
- Jamie Higgins
...and last but not least the man who drove me around, showed me the Clinton Library and let me use his camera when mine died, John Twyford.
If I left anyone out, it either means that I have not slept much in the last week and I apologize, or you have not joined the conversation, shame on you :)
The Arkansas Business Journal
The Arkansas Business journal is doing a great job of getting social (and I am not just saying this because they wrote an article about me). Second, I would like to thank Ashley Suffle for showing up to the event, engaging me with some great questions and above all, PODCASTING THE TALK!
I Think We Are Are Doing Ok, But Come On Little Rock, I Am Rooting For You!
Tags: PRSA, Little Rock, Facebook, Second Life, Blog, Trackback, Becca Gardiner, Drew Stephens, Bryan Jones, Lance Turner, The Cluetrain Manifesto, PR, Podcamp, Bryan Jones, Dan McFadden, Carol Cassil, Mary Wagoner, Jamie Higgins, John Twyford, The Arkansas Business Journal, Podcast, Ashley Suffle, Engagement