I woke up this morning and took this picture from the beautiful Peabody Hotel In Little Rock Arkansas (where I will be speaking to the PRSA today).
Thanks to Mary Wagoner for inviting me here and to Andrea Morrissey, who I heard is the youngest and one of the best presidents of the Little Rock Chapter of the PRSA ever.
I have been told that we will not have that many bloggers in the audience today. While I understand that people are very busy, I think it is really essential to experiment with blogging, podcasting, vlogging etc. to really "get it". So this post is for today's audience.
What are you waiting for!??
Here are my challenges
Challenge Number 1
I challenge all of you to blog within the next two weeks and trackback to this post.
It does not have to be on your own blog (although that would be best and you can feel free to call me for help). If you do this it will validate the importance of my journey to Little Rock (remember, I tried to make it here in February and that did not work, so I have put in my time to get here).
Challenge Number 2
In a month from now I will be holding a private meeting for the Little Rock Chapter Of The PRSA at Morpheum Island in Second Life (Andrea, Mary and I can sort out the details). Your second challenge is to sign up for Second Life and be there for a reunion (you may just find that you miss me, I tend to have that effect on people :) )
Now, let's get to work!
Tags: little rock, arkansas, PRSA, social media, blogging, second life, morpheum, morpheus media, mary wagoner, andrea morrissey