It is all about strategy and integration
It is my belief that the "emerging technologies" practitioner must not operate in a vacuum. New platforms for delivering communications must be integrated into current strategies and extend the potential of these strategies.
Sure, new strategies can be built off of new technologies, but too many people are fixating on emerging platforms as a way to generate new marketing concepts. This is not the way that the potential of platforms such as Second Life, Mobile or Video will be fully realized. Their realization will be most effective by examining the story you are trying to tell, the value proposition of the said platform and the ways in which this value can be exploited appropriately for the the story at hand.
Agencies are moving quickly to create silos for emerging media practitioners and appointing "czars" for these practices. Greg Verdino, David Berkowitz and many others (including myself) have been given titles that reflect this new agency role. Having spent a good deal of time with Verdino and having read Berkowitz in Mediapost it is apparent that each of them share my belief and do not look emerging platforms as something that can be planned in a vacuum.
I just hope (for their sake and the sake of their clients) that their agencies share this belief (having worked at Digitas I imagine they are doing a good job with this).
Get To Your Point Already, Adam!
I have read a number of article's talking about how IBM is integrating virtual spaces into their sales chain as well as other aspects of their business. While I am not sure of the exact strategy, the fact that IBM is taking this approach is very promising. An article in CXO Today spoke about the ways in which IBM was building the 3D web into their CRM system as well as their sales chain.
The IBM sales representative will help the clients who are interested in buying hardware, software, services or solving a business problem through exchange of private information such as signing of contracts, passing of money or credit information. It would be done through a link to IBM's website or by phone.
Adam, all you talk about is Virtual Worlds these days!
It is true, I talk a lot about 3D virtual worlds these days. I spend a lot of time considering the potential of 3D worlds in communications strategies, but anyone who truly knows me knows that my focus is on leveraging emerging channels to add value to brands, not virtual worlds (per se). 3D virtual worlds represent (for me) a channel that has the potential to take advantage of various other forms of media. It is also a space that is the sine quonan of social media.
I look forward to a future where emerging channels begin to be realized in a more holistic manner. Perhaps someday I can be the Director Of Channel Integration Strategy.
Tags: IBM, Greg Verdino, David Berkowitz, Digitas, 3d virtual worlds, second life, virtual worlds, mobile, video, marketing, integration, CRM, emerging channels