Cyworld-- More Than A Minihome

Still never heard of a Minihome (I have also heard it referred to as a minihompy)! Where have you been? I imagine not in South Korea where 90% of all 20 something's belong to Cyworld.

Like Second Life, many may shudder when referring to Cyworld as a game. "Cy" means relationship in Korean and that is the core value proposition of this world. In fact, it is my contention, based on the look, feel and functionality of Cyworld that that was the premise upon which Cyworld was built, whereas Second Life was built with the original premise of creating a new world, with the social manifestations coming later (or so Philip Rosedale said at Virtual Worlds 2007).

Today Cyworld announced two new features, Cyworld Video Studio and Plaza. According to the press release these functions offer:

a forum for members to upload, edit, mix and share videos or photos...

Cyworlds worked on the project with Eyespot, "developer of next generation media mixing playgrounds, to incorporate online editing features in response to a demand from Cyworld members for interactive tools that allow them to personalize their content sharing".
Eyespot collaborated with Cyworld USA to customize the interactive tool with powerful features
that allow members the ability to mix video, photos, and music -- complete with slow motion,cross-fades, color enhancements, and special effects -- all without ever leaving the Cyworld USA online environment.

I love the tag line that they use, "Your life, letterboxed"

Another important addition is the Cyworld Plaza which allows users to share their creations that were produced in the studio. Sure, we are all familiar with video sharing, but in an ingenious move, Cyworld has played on the idea that their users have shared experiences and has verticalized video based on these experiences. The hunt for ridiculous video on You Tube may be fun but by making this move Cyworld is strengthening communities by providing forums for people to share experiences and emotions, very powerful!

Here are the categories:

  • Frenemies -- You love them, compete with them, and are Best FriendsForever. Let's cut through the lunchroom politics and reveal the truth!

  • Aftermath Cafe -- Prom, Blind Dates, Spring Break, SAT, School Plays ...enough of the glossy tales, let's talk about what really happened theday after.

  • A/V Club -- We're geeks and we love it. From Anime Conventions and Lord of the Rings to Glue Guns and Student Films ... Artists of the World unite!

  • Travel Diaries -- Enough of the sunset photos. What really happened on your last trip across town or across the world?

  • McJobs -- Deep fryers, animal costumes, zinc oxide, and drive-thru's. What's minimum wage life really like?

  • Global Citizen -- Whether you grab a camera or grab a broom, we can all make a difference. Let's show the world how we're going to change everything!

  • Current Obsessions -- Boys, shoes, or ramen noodles... what are you fascinated with right now?

  • Whatever -- Doesn't Fit? Fit it here!

I recommend keeping an eye on how well Cyworld is doing with teens and young adults in America.

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