Adam's Female Parts/Lifelogging

Ok, perhaps I should not be posting this on a blog that I promote as an extension of what I do for living (interactive marketing).

Eh, who cares, right!

We cannot be all business all the time. If a client sees a photo of me like this what I hope they would say is,

"he does a great job for us and he knows how to long as he keeps doing a great job for us who cares...and maybe we can party together"

This brings up the notion of lifelogging. I am not really sure of it's origin but I have heard Mark Wallace, Jerry Paffendorf and many others talk about this idea. The essence of lifelogging, in my estimation is equivocal to your digital identity. While in it's early stages lifelogging may be something that takes a concerted effort  (i.e.. Four Eyed Monsters) but as the younger generation grows up in a digital society, naturally employing all the digital tools we are still getting used to, lifelogging while happen, to a certain degree, under the radar.

 As for me, I am still looking for the perfect aggregator that will help with my lifelogging efforts so I do not have to login to Flickr, my blog, Second Life, Twitter, etc. etc. separately. I am waiting for that  moment of digital convergence. Mark Wallace refers to such tools as identity-information aggregators

I did a search for lifelogging and much to my surprise there is not even an entry in Wikipedia. For now I would say turn to luminaries like Mark and Jerry for some more information (what are you guys waiting for, get on Wikipedia).

Photo By TheDivaRockin

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