Susan Wu CRV (moderator), Adam Rifkin Renkoo, Gregg Spiridellis JibJab, David Gentzel SocialMedia
- What are virtual goods? (3 types according to Susan Wu)
- Decorative Virtual Goods
- Skins, objects etc
- Collectible as branded goods, highest ASPs (average selling price) in this category
- Functional Virtual Goods
- Things that change your experience
- Games
- Facebook Graffiti
- Supply can be limited
- Higher ASP and conversion rates than decorative goods
- Behavioral Virtual Goods
- Custom actions
- Now we have poke, super poke but in the future there will most likely by things crated that signify user intent, interests etc
- Highest Margin
- You don’t have to create the content
- Most Scalable
Tags: graphingsocial, graphing social patterns, facebook, virtual currency, virtual goods