So, I am by no means an industry veteran like some of my colleagues but I have been in this industry long enough to know that there is a certain air in the room this year. There is an air of importance, newness and confusion.
Many people are here to try to make sense of the world rapidly changing world of communications. Some may feel that they understand what is happening but, the really smart folks know that what is happening is all about dialogue and community and that no one person can have all the answers. That is what this year is all about!
8:30am - 9:00am | Our World Speeds Up: Online Media, Marketing and Advertising by the Numbers Geoff Ramsey, CEO, eMarketer and OMMA EAST Master of Ceremonies This year is about speed in the advertising, marketing, and media Geoff Gives us a lot of good stats that support the fact that the broadcast TV industry is being overrun by the Internet (I will include the stats from this presentation later in the day) Another major point of his talk was Fragmentation Media Fragmentation is leading to total disintermediation- Anyone, anywhere, anytime Place Shifting as well as Time Shifting (slingbox) The TV and the PC are crashing into each other Everyone is creating content today...everyone! Agencies are returning to content production...soap opera revisited. Agencies get ready! 52.2 Million homes with Broadband. There are 108 MM HUT's (homes using television) but this is all TV Mobile, Behavioral and Search (oh my) "Don't Join The Herd" If you are going to execute, do it well RSS- Geoff, I feel that you have joined the herd with your RSS outlook. So what if people have not heard of it, it does not mean they are not using and, have some foresight, they will! |
9:00am - 9:30am | AM Keynote: At Speed: How to Throw Out All Your Plans and Enjoy the Ride Rishad Tobaccowala CEO Denuo He added something to the title of the presentation How to throw out your plans, Address Crap and Enjoy the Ride
9:30am - 10:00am | AM Keynote 2: So, the New Content Models Have Taken Over. What Happens Next? Ross Levinsohn President Fox Interactive Media "The golden age is before us, not behind us" - Shakespeare
10:00am - 10:45am | THE MEDIUM RESOLVED: Internet speed makes media planning in any traditional sense at best futile; at worst, fatal. Last year media agencies realized their plans were antiquated; this year the entire function of media planning is faced with obsolescence. As audiences move from site to site and device to device, yesterday's fad becomes today's trend and tomorrow's old news ... and media planning must likewise evolve. More challenging still, much of the media consumers find most engaging do not yet lend themselves to advertising and marketing. How can stakeholders operate in an environment where the Media Plan should read more like a Creative Brief? Speakers: Rishad Tobaccowala, CEO, Denuo Ross Levinsohn, President, Fox Interactive Media Joe Marchese, Head of Online Media Practice Group, Bainbridge Carl Fremont, EVP and Global Media Director, Digitas Moderator: Joe Mandese, Editor-in-Chief, MediaPost The Media Plan should read more like a Creative Brief (love that line) Carl Fremont- New Models being invented daily. We can be more creative, inventive and engaging The Art and Science of Media Planning- "We still rely on some of the old science" Joe Marchese- What do the people want? Is ROI like a drug? Is it taking over? invite People into our brands and add value- Fremont Book Suggestion- "A Whole New Mind" "Computers are not very good at seeking patterns, once the patterns turn to three dimensions"- Tobaccowala |
Tags: Denuo, OMMA, MediaPost, Carl Fremont, Ross Levinsohn, Joe Marchese, Joe Mandese, Media,,Geoff Ramsey, emarketer, Media FragmentationPowered by Qumana