Fashion On the Web

One of my favorite clients brought this article to my attention:

"Luring Luxury Brands To The Web"

Now, I am no fashionista and am not one to start a dialogue on fashion, I think that this article brings up other issues pertainsing to the web as a medium.

The article says:

"Luxe fashion houses have been slow to embrace the Internet"

The article goes into how some luxe fashion houses are slow to adopt the web (certianly this is not the case for the retailers) and that some marketers feels that magazines represent their brands better. I am probably the first person that would argue in favor of the web but, luxury fashion is not really my area of expertise (luxury retail is a different story, I have been aournd it long enough to have picked up a thing or two).

It seems odd to me that in the year 2006 the notion of "embracing the internet" is something to discuss. I mean, come one, we are just about done with Web 2.0 at this point (personally,  I am on Web 7.6)!

This begs the questions, are their  things that are not a right fit for the web? If the medium is the message than, does this medium give the worng message for certain industries, brands and goods?

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