Okay, so this is what everyone is blogging about today, I know!~
Look at all this mania:
PC World, Epicenter, Google Operating System, CNET News, Bloomberg, Search Engine Watch, Gmail Blog, jkOnTheRun, Google Maps Mania, Ubergizmo, Gadgetell, All About Symbian, Google Mobile Blog, Lifehacker, Technology Live, O'Reilly Radar, Scobleizer, Phone Arena, Phone Scoop, IntoMobile, SlashGear, BerryReview.com, blogs.chron.com, CrackBerry.com blogs, Obsessable, dailywireless.org, wmpoweruser.com, Screenwerk, ChannelWeb, InformationWeek, FierceWireless, FierceMobileContent, Gizmodo and Switched
Still, I had to get in on the action, as mobile social networks and Google's entrance into the social space have been a big focus of mine.
There are a lot companies that have jumped into this space, but Google has an obvious advantage--reach. This advantage may just be enough to take on some their competitors (Joost, Brightkite).
The question is; do people want to be tracked wherever they go? Some might say that this is a bit creepy. I had a conversation on Twitter earlier today with @awolk and @bmorrissey--here is an except:

It is my opinion that living in augmented reality will become commonplace; and in 10 years, it will be the norm to located at all times via some mobile device. If you want to be anonymous, you will have to log out, just like you do on an IM client.
The final point I want to make on this is in regards to the Google promo video above. Google is doing one thing that I have not seen from the other mobile social networks; positioning Latitude an extension of the desktop. Many of us that are interested in mobile have been saying this for a while, but the mobile phone should be thought of as an extension of your digital lifestyle; not an entity unto itself.
Got to get back to work, this was too juicy to not jump in :)
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