Those of us that blog on a regular basis know that blogging can change your life, it has changed mine.
What are my favorite things about blogging you ask:
- Collaboration
- Often times blog posts come as a result of something that I have read on another blog and I feel I need to add to the pool of knowledge
- Often times I write a new post based on comments on an older post
- New Industry Contacts
- Conversation Agent recently made a list of notable agency blogs and I was left off (*sigh*).
- I did not know David Berkowitz prior to blogging, but through much banter, conferences and jewhavioral targeting we are now friends (thanks for the shout on conversation agent)
- New Friends
- A great example, Marco Hansell; The coolest nerd I know :) . When I was out in LA we got to catch up which was amazing.
For those of you that are still on the sidelines, what are you waiting for, the water is fine.
Just remember:
- As Jaffe says (and I quote without attribution :) ); Social Media Is A Commitment
- I have been writing this blog a few times a week (at least) for the last three years and I am not on any top 25 lists.
- Have received no awards, have tried to get on Greg Verdino's blogroll and have not even been able to do that
- I am committed to this blog and the longer I stick with it, the more prosperous it becomes (on many levels).
- Imagine a brand that showed this type of commitment to it's consumers
- I have been writing this blog a few times a week (at least) for the last three years and I am not on any top 25 lists.
Anyhow, for those of you that read this blog, thanks for sticking with me. I love and appreciate of all of you!