American Airlines: A Business Traveler's Nightmare

Once again I have been forsaken by American Airlines. This is the third flight in a row where my agenda has been utterly destroyed. It is also the third time (in two months) that I have seen what happens when unhappy workers have to deal with the inefficiencies of a sub par service business.

The worst part of all of this is that no one who works here really cares, and as such business travelers are continually turned off. It is becoming impossible fly American Airlines; as every time we fly American, we lose money (due to lost meetings, time etc.) and we get a little bit older due to the stress of trying to fly on an airline where the staff is working against you, instead of with you (notice I did not say for you, even though they should work for us as we pay our hard earned money. I would settle for working with me at this point).

I have said this before but, I hate American Airlines. Not just for wasting my time though. American Airlines represents everything I hate about the state of air travel and service businesses at large in America.

Note To American Airlines Execs:

Have you guys given up? I know the industry is rough right now, but that does not mean that you should shut down all customer relations and service and scrape along the bottom giving the bare minimum to your customers. As a marketer (and consumer), I know the power of positive perception, and how much a mere acknowledgment can mean.

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