Disclaimer: Diane Von Furstenberg is a client of my employer, Morpheus Media and helped put this event together. The following post is my (Adam Broitman) take on the event and is in no way representative of DVF, or Morpheus Media at large
Despite the recent controversy surrounding Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty, some people in the fashion world still believe in the power of real people and real beauty.
These days everyone in the media/marketing world is paying lip service to the notions of conversation and collaboration, but how many are actually taking part in the seismic shift that has been thrust upon us? Furthermore, how many brands are actually bridging digital social media with real life environments?
The bad news is that the answer to these questions is, not too many. Well, I am here to bring you some good news!
Always on the bleeding edge of culture, fashion Icon Diane Von Furstenberg has proven yet again, that her finger remains on the pulse of society and culture. DVF continues to prove that you can remain at the highest heights of fashion, and at the same time possess the ability to listen to your consumer. As a man who will never wear DVF (or at least probably won't J), I have become increasingly intrigued by this symbol of self empowerment, beauty and forward-thinking.
With the help of the brilliant women over at the Coutorture network, DVF invited a number of bloggers into her studio for an evening of wine and fashion. I had the pleasure of meeting Couturture editor, Julie Fredrickson. She is nothing short of brilliant.
Julie had this to say about the event:
The streetwear symbol for collaboration involves combining two names with an "x" as a signifier that two brands joined forces for a creative project. Often it is the collaborations that bring out the best from each side, highlighting the strengths of the players while creating something that is greater than the sum of its parts. It is the "x" factor of unique teams coming together to do something great. It is this spirit of collaboration that inspired us to host a photo shoot with iconic women's wear line Diane Von Furstenberg and the Coutorture community.
The collaboration was a mashup between bloggers and fashion industry professionals. The bloggers had access to professional photographers and models (as well as DVF attire), and were able to create their own ideal fashion shoot. While I was not able to be at the event, I heard that by the end the bloggers became the models (and who knows, maybe some of the models started blogging).
All in All DVF and her brand team were able to create the type of new marketing event that most only speak about.
Blogs to Check Out:
Despite the recent controversy surrounding Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty, some people in the fashion world still believe in the power of real people and real beauty.
These days everyone in the media/marketing world is paying lip service to the notions of conversation and collaboration, but how many are actually taking part in the seismic shift that has been thrust upon us? Furthermore, how many brands are actually bridging digital social media with real life environments?
The bad news is that the answer to these questions is, not too many. Well, I am here to bring you some good news!
Always on the bleeding edge of culture, fashion Icon Diane Von Furstenberg has proven yet again, that her finger remains on the pulse of society and culture. DVF continues to prove that you can remain at the highest heights of fashion, and at the same time possess the ability to listen to your consumer. As a man who will never wear DVF (or at least probably won't J), I have become increasingly intrigued by this symbol of self empowerment, beauty and forward-thinking.
With the help of the brilliant women over at the Coutorture network, DVF invited a number of bloggers into her studio for an evening of wine and fashion. I had the pleasure of meeting Couturture editor, Julie Fredrickson. She is nothing short of brilliant.
Julie had this to say about the event:
The streetwear symbol for collaboration involves combining two names with an "x" as a signifier that two brands joined forces for a creative project. Often it is the collaborations that bring out the best from each side, highlighting the strengths of the players while creating something that is greater than the sum of its parts. It is the "x" factor of unique teams coming together to do something great. It is this spirit of collaboration that inspired us to host a photo shoot with iconic women's wear line Diane Von Furstenberg and the Coutorture community.
The collaboration was a mashup between bloggers and fashion industry professionals. The bloggers had access to professional photographers and models (as well as DVF attire), and were able to create their own ideal fashion shoot. While I was not able to be at the event, I heard that by the end the bloggers became the models (and who knows, maybe some of the models started blogging).
All in All DVF and her brand team were able to create the type of new marketing event that most only speak about.
Blogs to Check Out: