I am really getting to like expressing my feelings over Seesmic. If you are not a member, I strongly recommend going over to www.seesmic.com and signing up (if you still need invites, let me know).
Below the video are some links and notes on what I was speaking about.

Tags: seesmic, twitter, friend connect, dataportability, Nicole Ferraro, Robert Scoble, TechCrunch, social, facebook, Google Friend Connect, apps
Below the video are some links and notes on what I was speaking about.
- Dataportability explained
- Techcrunch via the Washington Post...I will never get sick of the mainstream media picking up blogs
- Robert Scoble Gets Shut Down For Attempt at Data Exodus
- This is old, but once again Scoble shows us he is ahead of his time (or out of his mind. I prefer the former)
- Facebook leaves Google Friend Connect
- I would love to hear more about this (as I mention in the video). Not just, "Facebook is evil". I would love to hear some constructive feedback about what you would do if you were Facebook and you had not make money, not just make people happy :)
- Google Friend Connect
- Again, this is old news for some (well, a week old) but for those of you who do not pride themselves on knowing everything the second it happens, and may need to know more, feel free to email me, twitter me, seesmic me...
- Nicole Ferraro at Internet Evolution
- Michael Arrington's (de)Centralized Me

Tags: seesmic, twitter, friend connect, dataportability, Nicole Ferraro, Robert Scoble, TechCrunch, social, facebook, Google Friend Connect, apps