Here at, I tend to respond to things that are prevalent in the news. The number of posts about mobile this week is a direct reaction to the volume of news stories pertaining to mobile (I also have a love of mobile, maybe I just seek this stuff out).
I have a ton of work to do today for my "day job" so I am going to do a little roundup of some things that are on my "mobile mind":
Technorati Tags: mobile, qr code, admob, boost, yahoo, google, verizon, att, 700mhz
I have a ton of work to do today for my "day job" so I am going to do a little roundup of some things that are on my "mobile mind":
- Google Mobile Discovery (which I spoke about two posts ago)
- Surge in Mobile Usage
- Mobile speeds on certain devices up 40%
- 20% increase in usage according to Google
- Microsoft says it will have sold 20MM Windows Mobile Devices by end of fiscal year
- iPhone users perform 50 times more web searches according to Google
- DIY QR Code Vendors-- Have QR codes really invaded American soil?
- Boost Mobile Launches New Ad Network
- Admob serves its 20 billionth impression
- in and of itself this does not mean very much, but Tony and the gang over there are doing a great job and I think this does speak to the fact that they are an industry leader
- Yahoo Launches OnePlace
- This was a couple of weeks ago but it flew under my radar. Whether or not this will be a success I cannot say, but in theory I love what Yahoo is trying to do. I am a huge face on cross device/cross media interoperability.
- Verizon and AT&T big winners in the 700 MHz auction
Technorati Tags: mobile, qr code, admob, boost, yahoo, google, verizon, att, 700mhz