Two Weeks Of Travel and Marketing Dataportability

I just returned from a long (but enjoyable and very valuable) two weeks of travel. It began at SXSW where I got to hang out with Rynda Laurel of Jet Set Studios, C.C Chapman of The Advanced Guard, John Swords and Giff Constable of The Electric Sheep Company, Mark Wallace of Wello, Kristin Cruscius (Kroosh) of Morpheus Media, Steve Hall of Adrants, Ian Schafer of Deep Focus  and many, many others.

It was awesome!

We even got to hit a local Flickr meetup where we scoured through a massive tower of trash (one man's trash...)

I got back to NYC and in two days it was travel time again. This time on to the iMedia Breakthrough Summit where I was to be speaking on a panel with some brilliant industry leaders.

Here was the breakdown of my panel:

"Data Portability and the Social Graph"
Presenters: David Berkowitz, Director of Emerging Media & Client Strategy, 360i
Adam Broitman, Director, Emerging and Creative Strategy, Morpheus Media
Ben Pashman, VP, Business Development, Gigya, Inc.
Leader: Peter Shankman, CEO, The Geek Factory, Inc.

It was my estimation that the panel was a success, but I cannot say that the panel was a big hit (I am actually not sure, but about 10 people walked out so I know it was not a favorite) even though I got great feedback after the panel was done.

The questions were posed, "What is Dataportability, and Why Should Marketers Care?"

While the answers were not even apparent to myself and the other panelists, I have and will continue to explore the marketing implications of the distributed web. I feel this concept is paramount to any modern marketing strategy and we all must be aware of what this entails.

All of you out there that are working on the Dataportability movement from a purely technical side, I would love to hear what your thoughts are in regards to how this notion impacts marketers. In many instances these days the marketers are at the mercy of the software engineers and programmers (many do not realize this but I certainly do) and we could use your help.

Let's get a conversation started!

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