Characters, Detail and Metaphor (dramatic tension)

Those crazy folks over at Phillips are at it again.

Remember the "Shave Everywhere" campaign?

Of course you do, it was an amazing initiative (and very relevant :) ) Well, Phillips is milking that concept for everything it is worth with a new extension of the campaign. Phillips is asking people to submit there own tales of pubic terror, and in my opinion, they are doing a pretty good job.

  • Everyone is not funny

    • Rather than mistaking themselves for content creators, or relying solely on their agency, Phillips has teamed up with comedy site Funny or Die (they are pretty damn funny).

    • We have moved from an era of pure User generated content to one of co-creation and collaboration

    • More and more brands are finding strategic partners to work with, along with consumers, to create relevant content.  While some consumers are creative, there is a reason that certain people get paid for their creativity (at least most of the time). Working together is the ideal!

  • Same campaign, entirely new extensions

    • We all loved the "Got Milk" campaign (I mean, I guess we did) but it was fairly one dimensional.

      • This campaign has the same underlying premise, but the many iterations of it look entirely different.

There is one minor thing that really pisses my off about the implementation of this campaign. Why does this microsite have to be built in a way that does not take web standards into consideration! There is a promotional video for this contest, and I really wanted to embed it on my site. The problem however is that this site is built in a heavy flash site. No data portability.

Ratings for this initiatve:

A for creative

B for execution

D for web strategy
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