If I Had 5MM In Venture Funding …

At a time when economic downturn seems imminent one must wonder; will 2008 see the same time of start-up activity that was seen in years prior?

This morning I got to thinking, what would I do if I had capital for a start-up?

Would I create yet another social network or a human powered search engine?

Maybe I could start a content site centered a much coveted vertical such as health. The fact is I would not consider any of these avenues. 

While I have not given this a lot of thought I would probably be thinking along the following lines;

  • Creation of a web services

    • Note: I use the term “web” loosely. By “web” I am including mobile and iTV or anything that operates over IP

  • Creation of platforms that are ready for mobility

  • Creation of a platform or service that is interoperable

    • You can no longer wall yourself in, data portability will play a major role in 2008

For most of us that follow the tech industry fairly closely, these things are not new however, I feel that there are enough people out there who are not thinking along these lines that, this post was warranted.

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