AMEDIACIR.CLIP: Amazon Ups The Ante In The Digital Download Business

Will Apple's hubris lead to a loss in market share as it did in the PC industry? Can Amazon really catch up?

I really don't see why not. I am excited to use Amazons new service. After a 200 dollar price cut on my iPhone, I have little loyalty to Apple at this point!

clipped from Launches Public Beta of Amazon MP3, a Digital Music Store Offering Customers Earth's Biggest Selection of a la Carte DRM-Free MP3 Music Downloads

Every song and album on Amazon MP3 is available exclusively in the

MP3 format without digital rights management (DRM) software. This

means that Amazon MP3 customers are free to enjoy their music

downloads using any hardware device, including PCs, Macs(TM),

iPods(TM), Zunes(TM), Zens(TM), iPhones(TM), RAZRs(TM), and

BlackBerrys(TM); organize their music using any music management

application such as iTunes(TM) or Windows Media Player(TM); and burn

songs to CDs.

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