As I lie in bed last night preparing for golden slumbers, with eyes heavy from an onerous day of interactive strategy, a sense of terror and chaos washed over me.
“Adweek has been hijacked by a bunch of mysterious old marketers!” I thought to myself.
Somehow, this group of rogue marketers longing for martini lunches had forged a report under McKinsey & Company’s name, stating that dollars were not moving towards the online space due to lack of accountability!~
They brilliantly titled the report, “Why Clients Withhold Ad Spending Online”.
They made egregious claims such as:
Of 410 marketing executives in five sectors 52% said “insufficient metrics to measure impact” was the primary reason that they were not spending more online.
I thought to myself, “this must be a dream, Super Google will save us!”
Alas, this was not dream, but was it the truth? Could it be that marketers are shying away from the most accountable channel since the begging of time due to…accountability?
Stay Tuned For The Next Episode Of, “Marketers Have Hijacked Adweek”
Tags: Mckinsey&Company, Adweek, Google, Online, Ad Spending, Accountability, Marketing