We Just Can’t Get Enough Mobile This Summer at A MediaCirc.Us

Have I Been Fixated On Mobile Lately? :)

I ran my first mobile campaign in the early part pf 2006 for the New York Times and saw mediocre results (the campaign was not a failure by the standards of someone who values return on experimentation, but in terms of direct response, it was not great). Since that time I have been reluctant to advocate mobile campaigns to my clients, as I feel that the US market has not been ready to deal with data on their palmtops. This is beginning to change.

Sure, we are pretty savvy with SMS and MMS at this point (my mother MMS’ed me a photo from the Canadian Rockies, but she is a super mom), however data is still relatively expensive at this point. Besides, how memorable of an impression can you really make with SMS and how many brands (outside of entertainment) can get away with sending multimedia.

AMediaCirc.Us <3’s 360 Degree and Social Strategies

As I have alluded to in my Social Networking 2.M posts (here is part 2 of Social Networking 2.M) and discussion on mobile email, the promise of mobile for brands is in marketing, not advertising. We had a great conversation at AMediacirc.us in early July about mobile marketing versus mobile advertising and we got to hear from Dan Meehan and Richard Hurring amongst others.

The Bottom Line Is That Mobile Is Not A Strategy In, And Of Itself Dammit!

A Strategy Is A Strategy, Mobile Is One Vessel To Help Deliver A Strategy.

Mobile Broadband Users to Pass 1 Billion by 2012 with HSPA Accounting for Over 70%

I saw this press release this morning and thought about how near we were to a world of ubiquitous computing, and a world of ubiquitous computing is inevitably a world of ubiquitous marketing. To some (consumers who hate advertising and marketers who hate to work), this concept may sound like a nightmare, and to others it is a challenge.

  • How do we market effectively in a world of ubiquitous marketing?

  • How do we not bombard consumers in a world of ubiquitous marketing?

  • How do we add value in a world of ubiquitous marketing?

  • How do we stay consistent in a world of ubiquitous marketing?

  • How do we tell meaningful stories in a world of ubiquitous marketing?

Let’s try and figure this one out. The future of marketing depends on it!

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