Ass Scratching Good Advertising On You Tube

The purchase of YouTube by Google for 1.65 billion dollars had some asking whether or not this deal was actually brokered by Dr. Evil.

Now, faced with the task of monetizing this investment, the fun shall begin!

Before we talk about how Google will monetize YouTube’s content, let’s take a look at some of the content that advertisers are lining up to sponsor.

Okay, so we all know that YouTube is the best thing that has ever happened to online video, but my guess is the video above is indicative of 60-70% of all videos on YouTube (in terms of length and quality of content). In light of this, how effective will YouTube’s new InVideo ad platform be (here are a few more relevant links for you, InVideo On Marketing Pilgrim, InVideo On Will Video For Food, InVideo On BoomTown).

My guess is that they have some tweaking ahead, but I am excited that we are finally moving away from the dreaded, throwback style of advertising, the pre-roll!

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