Back in March I spoke about what I thought was one of the inherent value propositions of the mobile space (other than talking and navigation). I think a lot of mobile marketing companies are either fooling themselves, confused or way to far ahead of the game when they think that mobile video and banner advertising is anywhere near the potential of reaching critical mass, making it a scalable advertising channel.
Where I do see tremendous opportunity in the Mobile space is in the area of social networking. Back in March I spoke about Mobileplay and this morning I read a press release by another interesting venture, this time by Trilibis Mobile, who seems to be focusing a great deal of attention on mobile communities...
Production is the new consumption. As mobile consumers, most of what we do is produce. We produce conversation first and foremost, but more interestingly, we are starting to produce networks of knowledge and intelligent communities. There is little time for spectatorship in the mobile space as mobile is a medium for the "on the go" consumer. So why do so many focus on pushing longer form, or more traditional style content to a medium that leaves so little for consumption. Mobile is a bite sized, active medium. MARKETERS, BE BITE SIZED AND PACKAGED TO GO!!!
As I was saying, Trilibis Mobile just announced the release of Version 4.0 of Peepsnation, the old site is here.Sure, there are a lot of similarities to Dodgeball (I will leave it up to the folks over at Trilibis to further educate me :) ) but there are a few things that I found interesting in their press release today.
Here are some of the features of 4.0
Peepsnation 4.0 features include:
- Intuitive and rich user interface
- Picture upload and profile management
- Rate, rank, tag and message functionality
- Profile search with gender, location, age, and keyword filters
- Showcase of popular users
While Mobile/ Mobile Marketing and advertising will go many places in the future, this is where it is at now. The one hold up for me is that, no one in my network are in any of these places. In fact, I find Facebook mobile to a great job of connecting me on the go. We will see how these other networks compete (or if they get bought)
Tags: mobile social, social netowrking, mobileplay, trilibis mobile, peepsnation, intelligent communities, dodgeball, facebook, mobile, network social users