Opening Remarks
Chris Cunningham, Freewebs, Master of Ceremonies
A witty opening video routine by Chris Cunningham kicked off the show. A lost Cunningham traversed the city asking passers by, “what is the best way to sell a widget?” Pretty funny stuff, even to cynics like me :)
Opening Keynote: Advertising 2.0: When will Marketing catch up to Media?
Chris Jones, Former CEO, JWT
Disclaimer: Chris sits on the board of freewebs
A self evident truth that you can divide the world into two type of people
- The people who can divide people into 2 groups and people who cannot
Digital Natives
- You cannot be a digital native if you are over 30
- Digital Immigrants
- “you will not find me seeking to display native skills”
Advantages to being an immigrant
- Enthusiasm based on knowledge of the old
- The world is not yet certain about the robustness about any business in the digital space
- Disruption—The internet has not created chaos, it has simply revealed it
- “It may have been a consumer society but the gods were the television networks and the temples were walmart…”
- Agora- The greek marketplace
(this is a very interesting sermon, history lesson :) )
- Talks about distribution via railroad etc. pioneers
(while this is all very interesting, I am loosing the sense of relevance….the historic account is great, but it has been going on for about 15 minutes at this point)
- Distributed power and literacy
3 great forces powering the interactive space
- Bandwidth
- Search
- UGC (17 MM people have posted content on the web)
- The digital worlds lives in the Agora, not in the temple (I dig that one)
Tags: widgetcon, widgets, digital immigrant, UGC, search, agora, digital native,freewebs, Chris Cunningham, Chris Jones, JWT