Entertainment Roundup: AppleTV, Shoptext, iTunes

You Call That News

"YouTube coming to Apple TV"

Sure we all love apple but my questions is, does anyone (who is not an crazy apple fanboy) actually own an Apple TV? I read an article about the lack of success with Apple TV, do they think You Tube will help?

My question is, would you sit down on your couch and watch You Tube videos, or are they really something you pass around at workand watch sitting in front of your PC?

The Medium Is The Message.

The Future Of Live Music Meets Short Codes

"Knitting Factory Entertainment Revolutionizes Concert Ticket Buying: First U.S. Venues to Launch Ticketing-By-Text"

I actually saw this yesterday and did not have a chance to write about it so for all of you who missed it, here it is! The service will allow concert goers to purchase tickets on the go with Shoptext short codes. While this seems very cool to me, is it really valuable?

It would be one thing if billing could be handled through you mobile provider, thus removing the need to pull out a credit card. It does not seem that this is the case. Until that is part of the agenda I am not sure how well this will do. After all, the whole point is to be able to buy with speed. If I have to text my credit card number and a short code, I may as well just wait until I get to my PC. Or better still, go on my cell phone and open a browser....

Free The Music

In case you have been living under a rock, Apple had announced a while back that they will begin to peel back the layers from the smelly DRM onion (terrible metaphor). Yesterday they announced the process had begun...at a premium.

$1.29 to be exact. iTunes Plus users will have the freedom to copy music as they please; no restrictions on usage!

You will even have the chance to go back and "plus" tracks you have already bought for 30 cents. I would say that this is a step in the right direction for the music industry. I don't think it will be lucrative, but music tracks are not the real product of the future of the music industry anyhow. I like to think of the actual music as a marketing tool for a professional musician to capitalize on other parts of their franchise (live show, merch etc.)

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