If you enjoy scouring PR wires as much as I do you probably noticed a thing or two about Facebook this morning. Sure, I may have been in the dark about the Facebook f8 developers conference last night, but even so, this would still have been an overwhelming amount of news.
As I have a bunch of work to do today I can illuminate all of the new companies working with facebook, rather I am going to make it easy for you by putting links to all the press releases in one place for your perusal.
Tiny Pictures Launches Deeply Integrated Radar Application on Facebook(R) Platform
Attendio Launches Event Finder Application on Facebook(R) Platform
CollegeHumor.com Launches New Content Sharing Applications on Facebook(R) Platform
Glimpse.com Unveils New Fashion & Style Application on Facebook(R) Platform
Fliptrack Shakes Up Music Slideshow Space by Launching Application on Facebook(R) Platform
Widgetbox Launches New Remote Gallery Customized Using Facebook(R) Platform
uPlayMe Launches Social Entertainment Application on Facebook(R) Platform
Lending Club(R) Launches on Facebook(R) Platform
SplashCast Launches Personal Multimedia Channel Application On Facebook(R) Platform
It seems to me that there is a major shift going on in the industry. Web 2.0 apps are getting swept up, as are major digital media companies. But what of those that are not selling? How will they survive?
Tags: facebook, tiny pictures, attendio, college humor, glimpse.com. fliptrack, widgetbox, uPlayme, Lending Club, Splashcast, social media