Live From Morpheum Island

As the teams plans for the next big event we are working on getting all the content from the first event together. Below is some grade A machinima shot by Amulius Lioncourt (aka Josh Stortz) of The Vesuvius Group. The real life footage at The Canal Room was directed by Stas Lipovetskiy.

For More GO CLICK!

As you can see what is being created by the platform is a persistent media experience that spans the live linear platforms in both the real world and the virtual worlds as well as various forms of non-linear media.

Speaking of which, you have to check out Sir Jerry Paffendorf's latest reality mashup starting tomorrow night at the Fuse Gallery. If you don't know the guy you must be living under a rock and I recommend googling him.

In addition to being super nice guy, Jerry is leading the charge in the multi-media, reality mashup, virtual world space (amongst other things). Here is the info:

Jerry Paffendorf & Christian Westbrook: "Destroy Television"
Opens May 23, runs through June 2, 2007

Fuse Gallery
93 2nd Ave
(between E 5th & E 6th)
NY, NY 10003
Phone: +1.212.777.7988

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